About Us
Generations of Believers Coming Together for the Advancement of the Kingdom
Freedom Cities Awakening is a faith-based community initiative made possible by dedicated visionaries. Believers united in one vision, the strength of the effort can be found among its people. From passionate ministry leaders to faithful volunteers, the positive impact Freedom Cities Awakening is making in the community is a reflection of a committed collective.

To whom much is given,
much is required. Luke 12:48
Meet the team of innovative faith leaders collaborating to spread the gospel.
Pastor Ken Gilliard
Pastor Ken Gilliard has been committed to impacting the lost and reaching all people since 1998. His passion for the heart of God has sparked the vision of Freedom Cities Awakening and fuels his desire to see revival in our city.

McKay Belk
McKay is a prophetic market place leader who has devoted his life to unifying the body of Christ to bring resources to communities while seeing the Spirit of God change hearts.

Paula Inniss
Paula Inniss earned a minister's license from Rhema Christian Center and has over 20 years of experience ministering deliverance. She understands, she's been there, and she knows how to get out! Her story is one of tragedy and triumph, poverty and prosperity.

Linda Carr
Linda Carr is the founder and CEO of
Empowerment for Life Network, LLC and Carr Consulting Group. Her consulting practice supports community growth and resident development through individual and organizational coaching, community
engagement planning, and inspirational multimedia programming.
John Dorsey
John Dorsey is a Godsend when it comes to outreach and loving on people. His heart for Kingdom change has had him serving many communities for decades.

Alan Barnes
Alan Barnes has lended his expertise in strategy and organizational structure to assist in the work of the Kingdom. He is gifted in writing the vision and making it plain.